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Bringing Hope, One Ray at a Time
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Empowering the next generation
Providing vital healthcare support to underserved communities.

HopeRaysIntl are on hand and on the ground ready to help save lives.


Now there are fears of more violence in the coming days. Many homes and supply chains have already been destroyed leaving many vulnerable and in urgent need of food, clean water, shelter, medical aid, and more. With the conflict expected to escalate further, the number of people in need is expected to increase.

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HopeRaysIntl Charity Helps


Our vision at Islamic Relief is a world free of poverty – and hunger is deeply intertwined with poverty. More than enough food is produced around the world to feed the global population.


Global health inequity is an unfortunate and harsh reality. Nearly 3.5 billion people, almost half the world’s population, lack access to the health services they need.


One in 10 people lack access to clean water. Water is essential for drinking, sanitation and hygiene, and food production. Some areas in the world rely entirely on water for their livelihoods.

Emergency Response

Violence has escalated after months of ongoing tension across the region. Over 12,000 people have been killed and thousands more have been injured. In Gaza specifically, a ‘total blockade’ is in place, completely cutting off the 2 million civilians from access to food, electricity, and fuel.

for parkinson research

HopeRaysIntl is committed to help people in need.

World In Statics

Million Under Poverty Line in 2018
Poor Countries Worldwide
Family & Child Abuse Daily
Million with no Access to Healthy Water

HopeRays in Recent Projects

Committed to help worldwide

Adopt a child

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), said: “‘I and the one who looks after an orphan will be like this in Paradise,’ showing his middle and index fingers and separating them.” –Bukhari

Stop Hunger

There are roughly 153 million orphans worldwide. And every day, nearly 6,000 more children become orphans.

Africa Program

Experts report more than two-thirds of hospitals are not able to function due to direct attacks or occupation by fighting parties.


Benevolent People Words

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